Hi fellow toasters,
I have a 20GB size directory which I need to get rid of from one of the volumes on a F630 filer. If the directory was only data on the volume, I would just destroy the volume but it is not. The total volume size is 180GB. Is there a better way of doing rm -rf from the client?
Ontap: 6.0.1R3 Filer:F630s with FC8 shelves
Thanks in advance.
Daniel Jung
System Administrator GMO inc
In your situation, I think rm is your best bet.
If you're using snapshots, then you don't actually get that space back until you delete all the snapshots that contain any of the deleted files. So if the volume is nearly full and you need the space, you'll want to delete your snapshots.
Steve Losen scl@virginia.edu phone: 434-924-0640
University of Virginia ITC Unix Support