(after with much rude elision) Jason wrote:
We currently use logsurfer and swatch to parse syslog messages generated by our F330. We also use procmail to forward "critical" email from the filer to alpha-pagers.
We use swatch too.
There isn't an appendix which contains a _complete_ list of all error messages and sample _syntax_ in the filer documentation. Tech Support couldn't even get me a list of all the possible email subject headers the filer might send in case of error!
You know that's something that IBM and Digital used to do religiously, and it's in most good books on the subject of Technical Documentation.
One wee book or greppable ASCII file on-line that contains the full gamut of error messages (even if what the message means is sanitised to 'phone NetApp' for some of the really weird ones) would be great.
So, I'm all for more specific messages -- as long as they are documented. Please.