---} We now have a VERY strong suspicion that tapes written with 4.x cannot be read ---}with 5.1.2P1.
I have a F220 running 4.3.3 and a F540 running 5.0.1. I just wrote a tape on the F220 using dump on a local attached DLT-4000 using compression. I then took the tape out and put it in a DLT-7000 that is locally attached to the F540.
I had no problem doing a listing of the tape:
america> mt -f nrst1a rewind america> restore tvf nrst1a Verify tape and initialize maps Tape block size is 63 Dump date: Fri Dec 11 23:52:14 CST 1998 Dumped from: the epoch Level 0 dump of /etc on mach5svr:snapshot_for_dump.116 Label: none Extract directories from tape Initialize symbol table. dir 2 . leaf 1106080 ./messages leaf 100277 ./rc dir 100263 ./crash
I then went to a Sun Solaris 2.6 node and did a remote restore of a single file from the same tape.
Therefore, it isn't true that "5.x Restore cannot read 4.x dumps" however there still might be a problem with 5.1.2P1 reading the 4.x version.
I am very interested in the resolution of your problem because I plan on upgrading the 4.3.3 to one of the newer 5.x releases next week. One that is "Y2K Compatible" and I'm wondering now if I'll see the same problem.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Fred Abounader Vantis (AMD's PLD Subsidiary) ~ ~ email: fred.abounader@vantis.com Mailstop 546 ~ ~ voice: (512)-602-1644 5300 E. Ben White Blvd. ~ ~ FAX: (512)-602-4148 Austin, TX 78741 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~