Cheers Eric - between your advice and Darren Soothills I managed to sort this out.
The sticking point was removing an ifconfig I had in place for the multitrunk kicking in before the ifconfigs for the vlan interfaces.
As an aside it would be super useful if there was a repository of annotated DataOnTap /etc/rc files available as a reference somewhere . . . .
On 9/7/07, Eric Silberberg wrote:
The vlan configs need to go int /etc/rc. They are not persistent otherwise.
#Regenerated by registry Mon Jul 30 08:44:13 EDT 2007 #Auto-generated by setup Tue Jun 26 17:09:34 EDT 2007 hostname xxxx ifconfig e0a mediatype auto ifconfig e0b mediatype auto ifconfig e0c mediatype auto ifconfig e0d mediatype auto vif create multi aaa-trunk e0a e0b vif create multi bbb-trunk e0d e0c vlan create aaa-trunk 990 988 999 vlan create bbb-trunk 804 809 ifconfig bbb-tru-804 x.x.x.x netmask ifconfig bbb-tru-809 x.x.x.x netmask ifconfig aaa-trunk-999 x.x.x.x netmask route add default x.x.x.x routed on options dns.domainname x.x.x.x options dns.enable on options nis.enable on savecore
Eric Silberberg Infrastructure Systems Services NC State University 2620 Hillsborough Raleigh, NC 27695 919-513-1175