Just a point of reference, the NOW site (starting with DataONTAP 5.1) has the "man pages" on-line, as is the rest of the docs in HTML format.
Note that I found the string "/etc/man" nowhere in the HTML for the 5.1SAG; either they don't mention it, or it's something like
Here are the subdirectories of /etc:
man manual pages
although I only found the strings "man page" or "manual page" (with any number of blanks >= 1 betweeen "man" and "page") in there in
1) references to specific man pages
2) the HTTP section, which says
*Note:* You can use the filer as an HTTP server *only* if you purchased the license for HTTP. Without the license, you can use an HTTP client (Web browser) only to display the filer's man pages and to use FilerView.
so if they say "oh, and we have UNIX-style man pages in the "man" subdirectory of "/etc", either
1) they don't use the phrase "man page" or "man pages"
2) it's split between two lines of the HTML file.
I've filed bug 10138 on the apparent lack of any indication in the SAG that a set of man pages can be found in "/etc/man" on the filer; if it's buried in there somewhere, presumably the tech pubs folk will point out where when they close the bug....