On Thu, 1 Apr 1999 sirbruce@ix.netcom.com wrote:
What are results with minra=off? Wouldn't that be a better setting for large sequential files?
That was my first reaction as well.
What sort of guidelines do people follow when deciding on the minra setting? At one end of the spectrum, you have broadcast video streaming servers that deal exclusively with long, sequential reads. At the other end, you have something like an INN server storing articles in individual files. Are there any tools to help decide which setting is best, or do you just "eyeball" it and try both settings and see which one seems better?
Also, I suspect having fewer than 7 drives could be a limiting factor.
A single drive should be able to sustain 8MB/sec or higher just on its own... a stripe of five drives should hit at least 40MB/sec. sysstat on that filer does in fact report 38 to 43MB/sec disk reads during a "vol scrub".