our homedir structure is /vol/vol0/users/a/adam
we want to use the subst cmd instead of 'net use' because we go below the share. and since we have the first letter of the userid in there we can't use the ontap homedir option.
however, we can't get subst to work as a user.
C:\WINNTSRV>subst q: \filer\u7\k\kusr1 Path not found - \filer\u7\k\kusr1
subst works fine as admin.
u7 is an ntfs qtree. kusr1 has full control over its dir. cifs.bypass_traverse_checking on is set. i also gave kusr X rights on u7 and u7\k. no diff.
filer is 760 with ontap 6.1.1r2. volume is unix style.
anybody ever get this to work?
any suggestions?