In message you wrote:
I created a new top level directory in my volume group (/vol/vol0) some time ago and now want to remove it, but the .snapshot directory contained there in is preventing me from doing so.
This is from my admin host system:
rm -fr XYZ
If I do this:
mount filer1:/vol/vol1/q1 /t/filer1/vol1/q1 cd /t/filer1/vol1 rm -rf q1
then I experience the symptoms you describe. But if instead I say
mount filer1:/vol/vol1 /t/filer1/vol1 cd /t/filer1/vol1 rm -rf q1
then everything works just fine.
What version of ONTAP are you running? Do you have just the top-level directory mounted on your admin host (what OS, what version)? Or do you have /vol/volX mounted from the filer and trying to remove XYZ *strictly*under* the mount point?
==== Collin Park Not a statement of my employer.