Hi David,
We have done both of the items you mention. In one case, an F520 was attached to a Sun Ultra Enterprise solely with a 100baseT crossover cable. The Sun, of course, needed an additional interface for the public network, but that is fairly trivial to configure on Solaris. To handle the mounting properly, you just need to specify the route to that ip address properly in your routing table, and specify the private ip address in the vfstab for the mount. Naturally, the Ultra had to be the admin host for this particular NetApp since no other machines could talk to it. =)
On the other side of the spectrum, I have a private 100Mbps switched ethernet segment that is used solely for backup purposes. Similar to the above, IPs were assigned that are not part of the public routed networks, and the filers were mounted on the private interfaces. This works very well as the heavy traffic of backups on several NetApps avoids entirely the public network entirely.
If you are using Solaris and need any help on configuration details, let me know what hardware you are using. The setup is fairly trivial given crimping supplies (and a hub if you want more than one machine to mount the NetApp.) and extra ethernet interfaces for the involved machines.
Hello everyone,
Sitting here watching perfmeter report network collisions on the machine my NetApp is connected to is making me once again interested in exploring the possibility of setting up a null ethernet, full duplex 100 Mbps ethernet, or private switched ethernet segment connection. If anyone has done this I would appreciate someone setting me off in the right direction. Hardware and software (i.e. informing in.routed to use a particular interface) advice sought. net.karma offered.
David K. Drum david@more.net -- It's hard to be bored when you're as stupid as a line. [1] Reality has a tendency to be so uncomfortably real. [2] You can only measure the size of your head from the inside. [3] When you proceed deliberately, mistakes don't cascade, they instruct. [4] [1] Vernor Vinge [2] Neil Peart [3] Larry Wall [4] Stewart Brand