"taob" == Brian Tao taob@risc.org writes:
taob> Anyone else getting the following unsolicited survey? Just taob> wondering if nww.com is looking for names on this list, or if taob> they got my e-mail address some other way. I haven't posted in taob> a newsgroup in years... -- Brian Tao (BT300, taob@risc.org) taob> "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't"
taob> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- taob> Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2001 09:31:45 -0000 taob> From: Deni Connor dconnor@nww.com taob> To: 'Brian Tao' taob@risc.org taob> Subject: storage area network deployment
This list is NOT to be used to cull names and addresses of people to spam. This list is also not for name calling and mud flinging (a pre-emptive strike, if you will ;-).
This list is for the administrators of NetApp filers to discuss issues with said filers and hopefully to receive feedback from other users and NetApp.
If you DO use this list to spam people (and I will use the term 'spam' very loosely), I WILL remove you from the list. If you have doubts about whether or not your mail to someone else on this list is spam, send them a polite note first asking 'mind if I send you a message of possibly dubious content ?'...
Thank you.
Kendall owner-toasters