ok, with the help of a Netapp person, I was able to resolve or at least work around the issue. I had over 1 years worth of fiber channel perf data, as well as some other perf counters that were stale. I also had stale perf counters from previous filers that may have never been properly cleaned up. I have been running DFM since 3.3 or so, so it was recomended to delete all perfdata. I stopped DFM, deleted all the perf data, and started again. New files are created... Some counters are set to 1 year by default (FC for example). I only really need a month for that, or less.. I was worried about loosing my trending data, but this is in the db, so no loose there.
There is an internal netapp doc which is GREAT in determining which filers relate to the perfdata file, and how to clean them up a bit. You will have to call support and ask for it. KB ID: 1011879
Reid walked me through changing some new values in performance advisor. Launch NMC, click on setup, hosts, edit data collection. Change the values you want, done.
Reid from Netapp, your a rock star! Thanks