If there are subdirectories in what you're copying,
one way to speed things up is mounting the same pair of vols
(old, new) multiple times, and running the find | cpio in each
subdir. Use more than one cp host if you saturate i/o or cpu
on the first one.
cd /oldvol/dir1; find . ... | cpio -dmp /newvol1/dir1 &
cd /oldvol/dir2; find . ... | cpio -dmp /newvol2/dir2 &
> What I am seeking is a bit like folklore.
How about a spam filter that bounces any posts that
don't …
[View More]contain keywords? "filer, vol, ndmp, spam" ?
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Davis
To: toasters(a)mathworks.com
Sent: 3/13/03 2:47 PM
Subject: Moving files but not .snapshots?
I want to move two big directories from an old volume to a new volume,
just the files -- not the snapshot subdirectories. So far I've tried
find . -type d -name '.snapshot' -prune -o -print | cpio -pdm /newvol
from the adminhost, which works but isn't blazingly fast. Are there any
other ways people can suggest?
[View Less]
You can use ndmpcopy from the filerhead CLI, granted you have a new enough
DOT version. This creates a snapshot then copy's all the data and ACL's
from source to target. First make sure that the ndmp option is turned on:
ndmpd.enable on
Then below will work:
ndmpcopy /vol/sourcevol /vol/destvol
You can copy at any level, not just the vol level. If the source and
dest's vols are on a seperate filer just preceed the dir with "filename:"
so "ndmpcopy sourcefiler:/vol/…
[View More]sourcevol destfiler:/vol/destvol". After
the copy you can remove the temp file created at the destination end which
is used for incremental updates (I forgot the name but it will be a huge
file with an obviously generated name). Man page and NOW has good ndmp
info. Thanks,
Jim Davis <jdavis(a)cs.arizona.edu>
Sent by: owner-toasters(a)mathworks.com
03/13/2003 01:47 PM
To: toasters(a)mathworks.com
Subject: Moving files but not .snapshots?
I want to move two big directories from an old volume to a new volume, but
just the files -- not the snapshot subdirectories. So far I've tried
find . -type d -name '.snapshot' -prune -o -print | cpio -pdm /newvol
from the adminhost, which works but isn't blazingly fast. Are there any
other ways people can suggest?
[View Less]
We have had very good results using Symantec's CarrierScan product, which is
designed specifically for the filer.
Rick Wurster SBCCOM / DSTI
410-436-3824 DSN 584-3824
-----Original Message-----
From: David Papas [mailto:david.papas@newisys.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 12:24 PM
To: toasters(a)mathworks.com
Subject: antivirus software
Just curious which antivirus software, if any, folks are using on their
filers out there. …
[View More]We're considering either Symantec or Trend's for an
F820 and was wondering what people's experience with scanning filers has
been like.
Thanks all,
David Papas
[View Less]
Dear Colleague,
Please excuse the impersonal quality of this e-mail.
I am writing to ask your help for an article I am writing about Life Practices.
I am looking for examples of those simple things that we all do that are
essential to expressing and maintaining our values as we face life's ups and
downs - our Life Practices. I am especially interested in practices developed
by those who have been in, lived through or dealt with the aftermath of war.
What I am seeking is a bit like …
[View More]folklore. Something with a story and an easy
to remember slogan or catchphrase. I am asking you to contribute out of
your own personal experience not as an official representative of an
organization. I am especially interested in those practices, which help you
deal with others - in your family, at work, in your immediate community, in
the larger global community, etc.
This is the only e-mail you will receive from me unless you choose to
participate in this project.
So far I have gathered over 150 practices from people all over the world:
These are examples of contributions I have received so far that may help clarify what
I am looking for:
" 'Water what you want to grow' is my motto. Whenever I see something being
done well I acknowledge it as soon as possible and in some tangible way. The
least that I do is to complement the person doing the thing well. What I try
to do more often is write a note to the person or give them a small gift."
"My life changed when I went from seeing mistakes as awful to seeing them
as the first chapter of a textbook on a new subject. I even had this made
into a sign that hangs on the wall in my office. 'Mistakes are just chapter
one in a textbook on a new subject' Now I get bothered if I don't have some
sort of royal screw-up every few days. It's like I am not trying."
"I learned from my grandfather to 'use the best materials you can afford.'
This has provided a model for my life's work. Even in my late 70's I am
still actively building things and more to the point of your book, I am
still building my life out of "the best materials I can afford."
These practices come from people from many places and with a wide variety of
backgrounds. I am grateful for that. I want to show the broadest
possible view of Life Practices from around the globe.
The article will feature some of the material I gather with some commentary.
I will be grateful if you would send me a practice that you use as a
foundation in your life.
Please include some brief biographical information as well. Also, if you
would like to share in what I am learning, please let me know as well.
And please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Thank you for your consideration.
Steve Lawler
About me:
Steve Lawler an ethics consultant and writer based in St Louis, Missouri
USA. He regularly gives workshops on issues of ethics, values and culture. He has
been quoted in a number of related pieces in publications including the Wall
Street Journal, The Christian Science Monitor and Cape Talk Radio - Cape Town. Lawler has
worked with companies in the US and Europe - including Monsanto, Pulitzer Publishing,
and the Danforth Foundation. He has been a lecturer at Washington University and at Webster
University. He has written for numerous publications.
Steve Lawler
47 Aberdeen Place, St. Louis, MO 63105 USA
Voice: +1 (314) 753 7911
Fax: +1 (314) 727 9792
E-mail: swl(a)lawler.org
Web Site: www.lawler.org
[View Less]
I did an analysis about 18 months ago & Trend came out on top for
performance and managebility. Symantec CS was 2nd followed by McAfee. All
3 work fine & each have their pluses & minues. In the long run, it depends
on what pricing you can pull out of the 3 of them and what you want for
manageiblity. Carrier Scan wasn't really manageable, and McAfee requires
EPO to centralize the stuff. Trend comes with their management utility in
the form of an Information Server. I …
[View More]also noticed on busy systems (this
was a F760 cluster running 99.9% CIFS) that CS & McAfee performance wasn't
as good a Trend...
-----Original Message-----
From: David Papas [mailto:david.papas@newisys.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 11:24 AM
To: toasters(a)mathworks.com
Subject: antivirus software
Just curious which antivirus software, if any, folks are using on their
filers out there. We're considering either Symantec or Trend's for an F820
and was wondering what people's experience with scanning filers has been
Thanks all,
David Papas
[View Less]
David Papas <david.papas(a)newisys.com> said:
> Just curious which antivirus software, if any, folks are using on their
> filers out there. We're considering either Symantec or Trend's for an
> F820 and was wondering what people's experience with scanning filers has
> been like.
> Thanks all,
> David Papas
I've been using and installing RAV antivirus (ravantivirus.com or from
raeinternet.com) in various installations with great success.
[View More]*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
| John Duino |
| AeroHead Designs |
| UNIX, Network & WWW Consulting |
| (310) 993-9188 |
| jduino(a)AeroHead.com |
| http://www.AeroHead.com |
[View Less]
Hi David,
I was on the beta team for the Trend product and I have been very
happy with it. The overhead on the filer is minimal and you can use
existing NT servers to scan the filer. If you already use Trend
ServerProtect, then it will run under the information server that you
already have and you can manage it through the console that you are used to
using. Currently Trend is working on another version with a lot of new
features, but I'm not sure when I'll see the beta on that. If you …
[View More]have any
specific questions, please let me know.
Josh J. Gifford MCP
Network Systems Administrator
Siemens PTD
7000 Siemens Rd
Wendell, NC 27591
Office 919.365.2806
Fax 919.365.1080
-----Original Message-----
From: David Papas [mailto:david.papas@newisys.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 12:24 PM
To: toasters(a)mathworks.com
Subject: antivirus software
Just curious which antivirus software, if any, folks are using on their
filers out there. We're considering either Symantec or Trend's for an
F820 and was wondering what people's experience with scanning filers has
been like.
Thanks all,
David Papas
[View Less]
Just curious which antivirus software, if any, folks are using on their
filers out there. We're considering either Symantec or Trend's for an
F820 and was wondering what people's experience with scanning filers has
been like.
Thanks all,
David Papas
Do you have the no_atime_update=on option set on your filer volume(s)? If not, this can generate much activity as the filer updates the access time for each file hit. Automated testing would really whack them.
-----Original Message-----
From: Todd C. Merrill [mailto:tmerrill@mathworks.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 2:27 PM
To: toasters(a)mathworks.com
Subject: CIFS getattr load
Instead of standing at a crossroads or a fork in the road, I'm standing
in an open field, and …
[View More]need somebody to point me in a direction...
My filers are showing loads and loads of CIFS getattr operations, on the
order of 80% of the CIFS traffic, which is 80-90% of the total NFS and
CIFS traffic. Finding out why this is so, or alleviating it or reducing
it so the load on the filers goes down, is my goal.
The filers are used in a software development environment, in an
automated testing environment (generally no interactive usage by
people). The CIFS/getattr load is most imbalanced not when a software
build is happening but while testing suites are run. On the order of
only 10 Windows clients (generally Win2k) can nearly cripple an F840.
So, at this point, any WAG's are welcome. Do directories
with large numbers of files stress the getattr operations? Has anyone
run across any applications that are very "chatty" with filers? Has
anyone run into any bugs (with ONTAP or with Windows) that might show
such a symptom?
Perhaps the application mix we are running is just this way, but
something in my gut tells me something is amiss.
I have a sniffer available, but before I get to that detail, I was
hoping to mine the wisdom of this list, to approach this vague problem
armed with some good ideas.
Until next time...
The MathWorks, Inc. 508-647-7000 x7792
3 Apple Hill Drive, Natick, MA 01760-2098 508-647-7001 FAX
tmerrill(a)mathworks.com http://www.mathworks.com
[View Less]
we found that the key things to check are -
groups - You must have the same primary NT group as UNIX group - the same
group name.
clearcase_aldb - This user must exist in both realms.
root=<hostname> - This must be set on the nfs share for all unix systems
that will have root access to the vobs and views.
access=<hostname> - This must be set on the nfs share for all unix systems
that will have access to the shares.
There is a great white paper on this at
[View More]tech_library/311.html?fmt=print
-----Original Message-----
From: Marion Hakanson [mailto:hakanson@cse.ogi.edu]
Sent: 11 March 2003 21:26
To: John Stoffel
Cc: toasters(a)mathworks.com
Subject: Re: ClearCase 5.x on NetApp, mixed NFS/CIFS setup issues
> . . .
> mixed security settings. The problem is that running as root on one
> of the ClearCase servers, we cannot remove a file that was created by
> a user running on a PC with CC client software.
> Our infrastructure is pretty simple, with just one NIS domain and one
> NT domain to work with. But because our corporate IT group won't give
> us a short group name in the Win2K domain, we're forced to use the
> unix username of 'mss-vobadm' with an NT username of
> NA05\sa106068ccalbd. We've got a usermap.cfg as shown below.
> Does anyone have any hints on how we can fix this up, or track down
> the proper setup for this environment?
> NA05\sa106068ccalbd => mss-vobadm
> NA05\sa106068ccalbd <= root
Unencumbered by experience with ClearCase (:-), I'll say that I would
try the following in usermap.cfg (assuming that NA05\* refers to local
users on the filer, or to your single NT domain):
NA05\sa106068ccalbd == mss-vobadm
NA05\Administrator == root
> And we've tried to use the following cifs options:
> . . .
> cifs.nfs_root_ignore_acl on
> . . .
With the above, NFS root users (which are now equivalent to Windows admin
users) should be able to override any Windows permissions. It _may_ be
necessary to "chown root" the problem files/directories before you'll
be able to remove them, depending on what Windows ACL's are in effect.
Of course, for root to have this type of access, your NFS partition must
be exported with "root=" access to the NFS clients which will be trying
to remove this stuff.
This type of arrangement works for us here, though without the issue
of ClearCase involved. It may be overkill for your situation, but it's
a decent place to start.
And as I've said before, in case you haven't already done so:
There's an excellent article on NOW, with a title something like
"Security Troubleshooting Guide", which describes all these issues
in great detail. Definitely read through this before converting.
Oh yes: I think that if a Windows client has a file open, you won't
be able to delete it from the Unix side. You also can't delete a
directory which has a Windows share pointing at it.
Marion Hakanson <hakanson(a)cse.ogi.edu>
CSE Computing Facilities
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