More backstory, I made a mistake when I was trying grow my aggregate
and I am seeing if I can change it.
Essentially I have two shelves attached to a fas3020c filer. I had a
aggregate(aggr0) which was set to 14 disks per raid group with 1 raid
group using the disks from the 1st shelf. and then I have 4 disks in
the second shelf. I wanted to temporarily increase the size of my
aggregate so I increased the size and I expanded aggr0 onto the disks
from the second shelf. But then I realized I didn't change the raid
group size. so now I have 1 raid group with 14 disks using raid_dp
and a second group with 3 disks using raid_dp and a spare. That
means for the second raid group I have only added a total of 1 disk
of space while using 3 drives. It seems like a waste so I wanted to
see if I could safely backtrack or if I have to stick with it and
just fill out the rest of the shelf at some point.
On Apr 3, 2007, at 3:54 PM, Nollman, Bill wrote:
> Brent;
> Of course you can !
> From FilerView - Go to Aggregates / Manage / Click on the aggregate
> to modify / Click Modify / Next
> You should see "RAID Group Size" and the current number of disks
> per RG.
> Change it from the drop down. For FC disk this can be up to 28. For
> SATA up to 16 (with RAID-DP).
> Keep in mind that larger RG's will mean longer reconstruct time
> when you lose a disk.
> And Adam's note about back filling is correct as well....but only
> need to worry about that with more than 2 RG's.
> Bill Nollman
> NetApp SE - Hartford, CT.
> Cell: (860)-212-9466
> From: Brent Ellis []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 2:51 PM
> To: toasters(a)
> Subject: Can one change the number of disks in a raid group on the fly
> Question about resizing raid groups. Can one change the number of
> disks in a raid group on the fly in a netapp filer? I currently
> have an aggregate with a single raid groups and I would like to add
> another shelf. So as to reduce the amount of storage I lose can I
> change the size of the raid group and grow the underlying raid for
> the aggregate or do I have to start a new raid group?
> Brent Ellis
> Computing Services Group
> Boston University