Good day,
Compliment of the day.
I really regret any embarrassment this mail might cause you as we've never by any chance met before I want you to patiently read this offer.
I am Yusuf Ego the Head of Delegation to the World Bank in West Africa. I am the linkman between the Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries - OPEC and the petroleum sector in a West African country.
Through the sale of our allocated oil quota in OPEC, I was able to make $30.5 million.
I want you to assist me in investing this fund since as a civil servant I cannot have such funds and the code of conduct bureau forbids me to acquire such amount of money.
Though it is my desire to go into property investments or any other area of your choice you may advice.
I will compensate you for your honest guidance and assistance.
If you're interested to assist in this regard, kindly confirm this message upon receipt Through any of these e-mail address only : yusufego(a) or yusufego(a) to enable me know my next line of action and give you enough details and how we will work things out.
Awaiting your earliest response
Yusuf Ego