We had a similar problem and my admin(aos) had to re-write the file locking
code.We never did get it working entirely to my satisfaction, though it did
fix the overview problems. We are now running Typhoon (Sparc20/630) and all of
our INN problems (or most anyways) have gone away.
--- On Sun, 19 Jul 1998 20:40:14 +0200 sthaug(a)nethelp.no wrote:
>> We recently (~6-8 weeks ago) put up a F520-110 Filer running
>> 5.0.1 software. When I try to run INN (InterNetNews) 1.7.2 and
>> put it's overview files on the filer, I get Overchan hanging very regularly
>> on a fcntl(F_SETLK,...)/fcntl(F_SETLKW,...) loop.
>> My question for the assembled guru's is: Is anyone else seeing this? What
>> other information should/could I supply to help?
>Yes, we have seen this, with an F330 running 3.1.5. I "fixed" it by simply
>removing the code that locks the overview files - would rather risk having
>two processes access the file at the same time than having these loops. As
>far as I can see, all we risk is one of the readers getting inconsistent
>overview data for a group - we can live with that.
>We recently upgraded to 4.3.3D2 - haven't tried using the locking code
>again after this upgrade.
>Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug(a)nethelp.no
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