We have implemented a SnapMirror strategy where a small site in Atlanta is mirroring to our larger filer in our data center in Raleigh.  We are doing this in place of tape backups because there is no local IT staff to switch out tapes and keep an eye on things.  The mirror seems to be working fine, but I had hoped to be able to send the snap mirrored volume to tape once a week so that they could be sent off site.  The problem is that the destination volume is listed as "snapmirrored," not "online" like the rest.  Veritas will back up all of the other volumes, but not the snapmirrored one.


It's not a big deal because I have all of the data in two places, but it would be nice to also have a current copy of the data an underground in a vault.  Let me know what you guys think my options might be or what you guys have done in these situations.  Thanks!


Best Regards,


Josh J Gifford    MCP 
Senior NT Administrator
Siemens Power Transmission & Distribution
7000 Siemens Rd
Wendell, NC 27591
Phone: (919) 365-2806; Fax: (919) 365-1080