Hello all,


Having decided to upgrade our VMware ESX servers to 3.5 from 3.0.2, we have come across a strange problem.


On each ESX server we have 3 VSwitches, 2 of them each contain a service console port and VMkernel port. One of Vswitches we have been using for Iscsi in ESX 3.0.2 without any problems. (The first VMkernel port is enabled for Vmotion and is routable)


Once we upgraded to 3.5 we have noticed that the filer now shows 2 sessions from the esx host, one from each of the VMkernel ports, however one of the paths is routed and one of the paths is switched. On the ESX host we see each LUN twice, with different paths but with the same canonical path.


Does anyone know how to restrict what targets are being sent by the filer based on the interface ? We cannot disable Iscsi on any of the interfaces on the filer.


Or does anyone have any other bright ideas ?









Matt Davies

Director of International IT Operations

General Atlantic

83 Pall Mall




Tel: +44 207 484 3203

Fax: +44 207 484 2803

Mobile: +44 777 559 4265





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