Should not be an issue. Really depends on the client.


But cDOT can handle larger UIDs.




# id hi

uid=100062(hi) gid=512(domain admins) groups=512(domain admins)


::*> diag secd authentication translate -node node1 -vserver SVM -unix-user-name hi




# su hi

sh-4.1$ cd /unix

sh-4.1$ touch uidfile

sh-4.1$ ls -lan | grep uidfile

-rw-rw-r--.  1 100062    512       0 Jun 24  2015 uidfile


From: [] On Behalf Of Edward Rolison
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 12:32 PM
Subject: NetApp and Unix UID


Perhaps a slightly daft question, but I can't find the answer rummaging. 
Someone's just asked if there's a problem with going past 16 bit UIDs (>65535). 

Is anyone able to point me in the right direction?