volume expand should do that


From: Toasters <toasters-bounces@teaparty.net> on behalf of Rue, Randy <randyrue@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 2:39 PM
To: Toasters
Subject: is there any way to change the number of constituent volumes in a flexgroup?
Hi All,

After some time playing with flexgroups it appears they're pretty much
just a RAID0 stripe of flexvols, or something like a linux LVM construct.

I keep stumbling over the fact that if I create a FG from the webUI it
spans my two data aggrs and creates two constituent volumes, but if I
use the CLI the default "span count" is four and I get 8 CV's. 8 would
be better as we expect to have a third aggr fairly soon if not more.

Is there any way to change the number of CV's in an existing FG? If this
really is essentially a RAID0, I can see why not. I've tried a
flexclone, but when I split it off I get an identical FG. If I try to
snapmirror the FG from the webUI it doesn't allow me to connect to an
existing FG or to set any parameters on the created volume.

In this case I've already created and loaded a 4TB FG that I now see
only has two CV's. I could destroy it and start again but it seems
probable I'll face this situation some day that I don't want to have to
copy over.

Thanks in advance,

Randy in Seattle

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