SME marks the logs for deletion, which Exchange takes care of after the backup.  This is normal behavior for backup applications and I don¡¯t recall that you can change this with SME.


Why are you using two applications?  What is BackupExec buying you in this case?  SnapVault would work, as would mounting the LUNs and writing the EDBs to tape, etc.


From: [] On Behalf Of Milazzo Giacomo
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 5:00 AM
To: Borzenkov, Andrey; NetApp list
Subject: R: SnapManager for Exchange and other backup software issue


Thanks for answer.

Effectively I wrong on my first mail. I¡¯m using differential (read from SME docs) but the message is the same. I cannot use ¡°copy¡± because I¡¯ve not enough space to store all jobs.


BE error code is V-79-57344-33944 ¡°Incremental and differential backups are not possible because one or more of the Microsoft Exchange Transaction log files has been deleted¡±

Event viewer shows also another message related to the need to perform a full before a diff or inc (of course J) but this message has nothing to do: I know is related to SME


Is there a method with SME that can be used to not create this issue?




Da: Borzenkov, Andrey []
Inviato: marted¨¬ 15 gennaio 2008 10.27
A: Milazzo Giacomo; NetApp list
Oggetto: RE: SnapManager for Exchange and other backup software issue


According to SME documentation you should not use Incremental backup when SME is active. You may use Copy or Differential.


§³ §å§Ó§Ñ§Ø§Ö§ß§Ú§Ö§Þ / With best regards / Mit freundlichen Gr¨¹¦Âen

Andrey Borzenkov
Senior system engineer

From: [] On Behalf Of Milazzo Giacomo
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 11:45 AM
To: NetApp list
Subject: SnapManager for Exchange and other backup software issue




I¡¯ve an Exchange 2003 server mounted on NetApp iSCSI LUNs and managed by SnapManager for Exchange for its backups. SME does every night a full backup with a daily model.

Further there are another Backup Exec 11d media server that perform an historical disk backup using the usual method of daily incremental and a weekly full.

It happens (I know there¡¯s something wrong on SME backup type) that the BackupExec daily (incrememental) jobs fail with the message that ¡°no logs found because they have been deleted by some other process¡±. I¡¯ve checked the Exchange log LUNs and it seems that, nevetheless the BE starts at 11 pm before the SME that starts at 03:00 am the transaction logs of Exchange are deleted causing the fail of the BE job.


Is there a better way to setup the SME backup leaving BE to perform the right incremental backup and leaving to BE the job to delete the unneeded logs?


Thanks in advance.               


Note: I use the new Exchange backup mode offered by BE11d, so that the backup of the information store db and logs avoiding the use of the traditional brick level method.


Da: [] Per conto di David McWilliams
Inviato: luned¨¬ 14 gennaio 2008 20.00
A: NetApp list
Oggetto: Weird CIFS problem


I'm domain admin, and I'm accessing a share on my filer \\filer1\tdrive (/vol/vol0/tdrive). It is a seperate qtree, the only perms on the share are everyone/ full control. I even added a domain/administrator full control entry. I can see the top level of sub-dirs, bt I cannot go any deeper.


Does this make sense, or am I missing something?



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