Hello toasters,
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to destroy an aggregate in order to consolidate capacity. I started off with two aggregates, each with two RG and both aggr were 600GB drives only the older drives were FC/15K whereas the new aggregate
is SAS/10K (I know you can mix RPMs and I’m ok with that). What I’m not ok with is what happened when I attempted to add 8 drives to the new aggregate. The current RG size was 12 and there were 12 drives in the first RG and 11 in the second, I then changed
the RG size to 16 and added the drives to the aggregate (expecting to add 4 in each RG). But what really happened is that OnTap added 5 drives to RG1 and created RG2 with the remaining 3 drives.
Support couldn’t find any documentation on this and (I knew this) that it could only be corrected by destroying the aggregate. Have any of you experienced this?
-Long time lurker, first time poster
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