Have you enabled vscan on the filer?
From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com
[mailto:owner-toasters@mathworks.com] On
Behalf Of Richard Distrajo
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007
11:51 AM
To: toasters@mathworks.com
Subject: Symantec Antivirus
Corporate Edition 10.1 and vscan on filer
Any help on registering the filer to the Symantec antivirus server. I
tried to put the filer's hostname /ip address to the symantec antivirus center
console but no success. Is this version of antivirus can register the CIFS only
filer (ONTAP 7.2.2)?
I'm getting error "no network provider accepted the given network
path" every time I add the filer's IP address to the symantec antivirus
console center...both sides can able to ping each other's hostname and user's
permission is already been added as operator on the filer's side....
Thanks for your time on this....
Best regards,
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