We've got a couple of FAS3050c filers running 4 DS14mk2 shelves full of disks (each filer is connected to two disk shelves). They've mostly been trouble-free, but this week it seems a disk failed, and our main storage aggregate went into "degraded" mode. For some reason, despite spare disks being available, it's not reconstructing as I would think it should.
The software running on these filers is Data ONTAP GX 10.0.1P2 -- from previous discussions with the community, I've learned that GX has a whole different set of commands, so many of the Google-able resources I've found aren't relevant. Adding to that difficulty, we don't have a support contract on these filers (but they are properly licensed and whathaveyou).
Here is the output of 'storage aggregate show -aggregate engdata1' (that is the degraded aggregate):
toast1a::> storage aggregate show -aggregate engdata1
Aggregate: engdata1
Size (MB): 0
Used Size (MB): 0
Used Percentage: -
Available Size (MB): 0
State: restricted
Nodes: toast1a
Number Of Disks: 37
Disks: toast1a:0a.16, toast1a:0b.32, toast1a:0c.48,
toast1a:0a.17, toast1a:0b.33, toast1a:0c.49,
toast1a:0a.18, toast1a:0b.34, toast1a:0c.50,
toast1a:0a.19, toast1a:0b.35, toast1a:0c.51,
toast1a:0a.20, toast1a:0d.64, toast1a:0b.37,
toast1a:0a.21, toast1a:0c.52, toast1a:0b.38,
toast1a:0a.22, toast1a:0c.61, toast1a:0b.39,
toast1a:0d.69, toast1a:0c.54, toast1a:0b.40,
toast1a:0a.24, toast1a:0c.55, toast1a:0d.65,
toast1a:0a.25, toast1a:0a.26, toast1a:0b.42,
toast1a:0c.59, toast1a:0a.27, toast1a:0b.43,
toast1a:0a.28, toast1a:0b.45, toast1a:0d.68, toast1a:0d.71
Number Of Volumes: 0
Plexes: /engdata1/plex0(online)
RAID Groups: /engdata1/plex0/rg0, /engdata1/plex0/rg1,
Raid Type: raid_dp
Max RAID Size: 14
RAID Status: raid_dp,degraded
Checksum Enabled: true
Checksum Status: active
Checksum Style: block
Inconsistent: true
Volume Types: flex
There are spare disks available now, but there were not when the failure occurred. I moved two spare disks to the right filer after the failure, thinking that would cause the aggregate to start reconstructing. Here is the output of 'storage disk show -state spare':
toast1a::> storage disk show -state spare
Disk UsedSize(MB) Shelf Bay State RAID Type Aggregate Owner
---------------- ------------ ----- --- --------- ---------- --------- --------
toast1a:0d.72 423090 4 8 spare pending - toast1a
toast1a:0d.73 423090 4 9 spare pending - toast1a
toast1b:0d.74 423090 4 10 spare pending - toast1b
toast1b:0d.75 423090 4 11 spare pending - toast1b
toast1b:0d.76 423090 4 12 spare pending - toast1b
toast1b:0d.77 423090 4 13 spare pending - toast1b
6 entries were displayed.
Can anyone provide insight on this problem? Why is the aggregate not reconstructing when there are spares available? NetApp stuff is not my specialty, but I'm the one who gets to deal with it, and I am pretty stumped. Thank you in advance!
Chris Daniel