You may way to try UDP instead of TCP.
 and/or reduce the rsize/wsize to 8k or 1k to see if it makes a difference.
If it does, then keep increasing it (1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K) until it is no longer useful then drop it back one.
The retrans and timeo options may also be useful as well.

Also, if you stay with TCP, you may want to investigate changing the TCP window size on the NFS client.

On 6/7/07, Carl Howell <> wrote:

Yes. NFS. Mount options: rw,bg,hard,intr,vers=3,proto=tcp,rsize=32768,wsize=32768.


I'm not sure you would call it a WAN. I believe the correct acronym is LFN or Long Fat Network(right?). We have VLAN's that we ride over the Florida LamdaRail to our colo. The RTT is around 13-14ms.


I know there are appliances out there that can solve this problem, but these backups won't be done this way for much longer, and I just wanted to see if I could get the math right.


For our filers, I did adjust the option snapmirror.window_size to 1750000 (1Gb * .014/8), and that is working fine.




From: tmac []
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2007 8:29 AM
To: Carl Howell
Subject: Re: NFS backups over 1Gb WAN


Are you using NFS over the WAN?
If so, what are your mount options?

If not, then are you using SnapVaul/SnapMirror over the WAN or something else?

On 6/7/07, Carl Howell <> wrote:

9000. And to be clear, these are backups that are going to the R200.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Samplonius []
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 7:53 PM
To: Carl Howell
Subject: Re: NFS backups over 1Gb WAN

  What is the MTU size on your WAN link?

----- "Carl Howell" < > wrote:
> What would be the optimal NFS settings for a filer on a 1Gb network
> with a 14ms rtt? We have moved our R200 to a remote DC and have seen
> NFS performance plummet. The NFS traffic is all backups.
> Thanks,
> -Carl


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