We were running 6.2R2 since it was released and we were seeing the problem occasionally.  We recently (in the last week) upgraded to 6.2.2 - it hasn't been in place long enough to say if things have changed.
- Scott W.
-----Original Message-----
From: Nail, Larry [mailto:lnail@ti.com]
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 11:01 AM
To: 'toasters@mathworks.com'
Subject: RE: disappearing CIFS permissions ...

We had the same set of problems when we were running 5.3.7 on the filers... when we upgraded to 6.x, we stopped seeing those problems.  The only problem we did resolve was we had a share name "L&I".  When we renamed the share to LnI, it stopped dropping it's permissions.
-----Original Message-----
From: Waters, G Scott DSTI [mailto:george.scott.waters@us.army.mil]
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 9:32 AM
To: 'toasters@mathworks.com'
Subject: disappearing CIFS permissions ...

Has anyone had any problems with setting CIFS share permissions and then having them disappear??

We have a series of scripts that run at night that manage our users in our NT4 domain.

Our users are created and then for each user a home share is created on our filer.  Every once in a while we will get a complaint that one of our new users can not access their home share.  I check the share and sure enough the permissions are not there.

However, when I check the output from our scripts they show that the permissions were set successfully.

The user is created in the script by using the NET USER command and the shares are manipulated by the RMTSHARE program from the NT Resource Kit.  After the user is created Domain Admins are granted permissions to the SHARE (and those permissions are always there) then the user is granted permissions (and that is where the problem occasionally occurs).

It's an annoyance that I can't explain ... and I don't like those.

If anyone has any ideas / suggestions / etc, etc ... please let me know.


- Scott W.