I've rolled my own, using some perl to ssh and run commands, and rrdtool to take databases and graph them. Seems to work pretty well. 

On 12 June 2017 at 15:16, TAYLOR DANIEL <dantaylor@ntlworld.com> wrote:

Grafana is a great visual tool, should give you the averages (and many other things) you're after.  NAbox is a great easy way to deploy it too.

Allows you to select the range periods i.e. 30 days, and more importantly it helps you drill down to the problem.  It’s the sort of thing that looks great on a big screen or presentation.

Useful links:



On 12 June 2017 at 15:06 "s.eno" <s.eno@me.com> wrote:


I was recently tasked with presenting latency numbers for aggrs and vols on a regular basis. These would be numbers averaged over 30 days.

We're on cDOT 9.1P2 and OCUM is, to say the least, anemic when it comes to reporting on such things. Performance manager will provide the numbers but doesn't have the capabilities to save them to a spreadsheet, or whatever.

What are you fellow NetApp admins using for metrics reporting these days?

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