I believe the guests group has no abilities.
I've created a group (ro_group), mapped it to a role (ro_role) which has the filerview-readonly ability. Also mapped it "upward" to an AD group which contains my RO user.
The link above describes my situation exactly. Yes, there's a RO role for the filerview but no standard RO role for CLI use and no easily identifiable list of capabilities that might make up such a role. That was as of 2008, however.
I'll keep looking. Or if I build a list I'll post it here.
From: Chris Muellner []
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 2:24 PM
To: Bill Holland; Randy Rue
Subject: RE: read only role?
There is a guests group. You can also create Windows security groups and assign them to a local group on the controllers.
From: [] On Behalf Of Bill Holland
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 4:12 PM
To: Randy Rue
Subject: Re: read only role?
I believe there is a builtin read only role.
On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 4:54 PM, Randy Rue <> wrote:
Hello All,
Looking to add a read-only role for techs in our department who are investigating some things but don't need (or want) to risk breaking stuff.
Is there a "standard" list of capabilities that can be added to a role that will give the ability to see stuff but not break stuff?
Thanks in advance,
Randy Rue
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