A system warmed up, may NOT be at 100% at all times.   It dependent on the relative workload presented to the system.

PAM can be 50% full..and be 'warmed up'.

This starts to get into the subject of the math/history/etc of how long unreferenced blocks are kept in the pool.

On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 1:48 PM, Eugene Vilensky <evilensky@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 3:37 PM, Blake Golliher <thelastman@gmail.com> wrote:
> . (stats show -i
> 1 ext_cache_obj:ec0:usage for example).

Nitpicking on this example, isn't this a stat for % full?  That is, on
a system which is warmed up, it should be at 100% at all times? I
found this useful for what I needed to do with DFM and flash cache:

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