If this is oracle 11g, use dnfs. It will avoid mount option questions, as well as any weirdness at the kernel Nfs level. The noatime and actimeo=0 can make a big difference. Really simple to get dnfs setup.
Double check mount options, looking for differences with rac vs single instance. You didn't say, and I know the docs differ for each, but aren't always very clear. go with the NetApp kb article settings.
Check jumbo frames. You probably want them.
Look at network Configs. We just worked on one where the issue was flow control at the network level. Getting that set right meant things worked lots better. There is a NetApp kb about it.
Test with netapps sio tool. Note that oracle mostly uses direct io to bypass os level caching. Os level tools like dd or copy won't. NetApp sio offers it as an option.
Install the nfsiostat tools to monitor what's going on.
Hi, I'm not seeing write performance issues on the OS (throughput tests on the command line are > 100Mb/sec)
But Oracle is complaining about long commit times for the Netapp NFS mount with the following options:
rw,noatime,bg,hard,nointr,tcp,nfsvers=3,timeo=600,rsize=32768,wsize=32768 (matches what I see in Oracle and Netapp docs)
I'm working with the DBA to see if the Oracle tuning is optimal, but thought I'd poll this list for any nuggets of tuning Oracle on Netapp NFS
And the disk busy on this aggregate is only 10% - and the CPU reads 40-50%