I am unsure if this is an AD or a ONTAP config problem, but I thought I'd ask. I have not run into this before. Brand new cluster (9.4P4), brand new SVM, pretty minimal config.
# Standard issue create CIFS server, allow anyone to connect through default export -policy
# Create a volume to test with, NTFS security, and a CIFS share on top of it
MyCluster::> vserver cifs create -vserver MySvm -cifs-server MyNas -domain MyAdDomain.Business.com (joined it to MyAdDomain.Business.Com)
MyCluster::> vserver export-policy rule create -policyname default -clientmatch -rorule any -rwrule any -superuser any -vserver MySvm -protocol cifs
MyCluster::> volume create -volume cifs_test -aggregate MyCluster_02_SATA_1 -size 1g -junction-path /cifs_test -security-style ntfs -vserver MySvm
MyCluster::> vserver cifs share create -share-name cifs_test -path /cifs_test -vserver MySvm
# Test AD SID resolution from the filer, forwards and backwards
MyCluster::> set diagnostic
MyCluster::*> diag secd authentication translate -node MyCluster-02 -vserver MySvm -win-name MyUserName
MyCluster::*> diag secd authentication translate -node MyCluster-02 -vserver MySvm -sid S-1-5-21-348434689-563360211-3986294115-29846
MyAdDomain\MyUserName (Windows User)
MyCluster::*> diag secd authentication translate -node MyCluster-02 -vserver MySvm -win-name MyAdDomain\aGroupIamAmemberOf
MyCluster::*> diag secd authentication translate -node MyCluster-02 -vserver MySvm -sid S-1-5-21-348434689-563360211-3986294115-1154
MyAdDomain\aGroupIamAmemberOf (Windows Domain group)
So far so good. CIFS share permission by default is Everyone/Full. NTFS permission by default is Everyone/Full. I am able to connect to the share at \\MyNas\cifs_test and create a directory. The test directory has permission of Everyone/Full as viewed by right clicking on the test directory, selecting Properties, and viewing the Security tab. If I click on Advanced, I see the Owner correctly set to MyUserName as defined in AD. The Permissions tab in the Advanced window has Allow/Everyone/Full Control.
Now, here is the problem. if I click on 'Add', the Permission Entry window pops up and I need to Select A Principal. When I Select A Principal and enter a known-good username into the 'Enter the object name to select' field and click Check Names, I get 'An object with the following name cannot be found.. blahblahblah'. I've tried with multiple users, multiple groups, all with the same result. I know these objects (users, groups) exist. The 'From this location' box in the window that pops up is referencing MyAdDomain.Business.Com, and the Object Type is User/Group/Built In SP.
Is this a failure of something in our AD environment and our workstations, or is this a failure somewhere in ONTAP land? I'm leaning towards something screwed up in our AD environment because of the diag secd test from above working, but I'm not sure. Any ideas?
Ian Ehrenwald
Senior Infrastructure Engineer
Hachette Book Group, Inc.
1.617.263.1948 / ian.ehrenwald@hbgusa.com
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