Hi there


Ahh I’m stupid 😉. Sorry…

I’m not sure why I thought that I would need the cluster mgmt lif. In order to create the cluster peering… of cause you only need the IC LIFs here… and they will be running in an ipspace inside a vlan.

Easy 😉


Now NetApp only needs to enable web management for each separate SVM…. I have not tested 9.8 yet, but I’m pretty sure you still need to manage your SVM via ssh/rest?





Fra: Sebastian Goetze <spgoetze@gmail.com>
Dato: tirsdag, 9. marts 2021 kl. 13.27
Til: Markus Nödl <mnoedl@anexia-it.com>, Heino Walther <hw@beardmann.dk>, toasters@teaparty.net <toasters@teaparty.net>
Emne: Re: Remote backup hosting with ONTAP...


my 2c



On 09.03.2021 13:19, Markus Nödl wrote:

Keep in mind that cluster peering involves the intercluster lifs as well as the snapmirror/vault traffic is passing through those lifs. AFAIK you will have to have ipspaces for your intercluster lifs (at least on the destination) to peer all those source machines


Markus Nödl

Senior Storage Architect


ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH


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From: Toasters <toasters-bounces@teaparty.net> on behalf of Heino Walther <hw@beardmann.dk>
Date: Tuesday, 9. March 2021 at 13:03
To: "toasters@teaparty.net" <toasters@teaparty.net>
Subject: Remote backup hosting with ONTAP...


Hi there


I need some suggestions to a setup where we will be hosing remote backup of other ONTAP clusters  on one ONTAP FAS cluster.

The clusters that needs to be backed up should be backed up are on separate VLANS and should be kept separate.

So the plan is to create a SVM per system in its own VLAN.

Trouble is that in order to setup a SVM-Peer you first need to setup a cluster peer…

So I guess there are several ways to do this…


  1. Create several cluster mgmt. LIFs (one for each VLAN)
    1. Could this cause issues?
  1. Create a firewall rule for the existing cluster mgmt. LIF so is can be reached from all the VLANs.


I will also be using ipspaces for this because of security, and because there are two systems using the same IP range…


Suggestions are welcome..  I somewhat lean towards option 1.




Heino Walther

Beardmann ApS

Jellingvej 9 - 7100 Vejle


D: 7199 9060 M: 2075 7501



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