I am new to administering a filer via NT.  Our filers have always been administered from a UNIX host.  We are migrating users from a UNIX environment to an Windows NT/2000 environment.  I have a user that has a domain account and needs access to the filer.  Without having to create an account on the UNIX, where do I indicate validation via NT domain?  I have a people share on my filer with a folder with his employee number as the folder name.  After logging into the domain, he can see the filer listed in the domain.  When he double clicks it, it prompts him for a username and password.  He has tried what he uses to authenticate on the domain and it does not work.  For our UNIX users they have accounts on our UNIX server and are authenticated that way.  Your help is appreciated.   Thanks. 

E-mail:  jessicaf@lanl.gov          TA-16-661-101, MS-C933
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