I'm not too familiar with Brocades -- we have Cisco -- but the first thing that caught my eye was trunk port being enabled.  I don't think you want that, especially also for NPIV.  You need an F port or an N port, not an E port.

E ports are expansion ports, for ISL (inter-switch linking), and connect two switches together.
F ports are fabric ports, and are used for point-to-point connections (hosts, storage systems, etc).
N ports are node ports, similar to F ports, used for point-to-point or switched fabrics.

For you, Fx or G port types should also work, and I think Brocades have U ports too, but I'm not too familiar.


On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 9:35 AM, Alexander Griesser <ag@anexia.at> wrote:

Hi there,


I’m having a hard time currently connecting my new FAS8020 to our existing fabric – the FCP ports just won‘t get online and I’m not sure where exactly the problem is and how to debug that since I’m more the NAS guy not having much practical experience with FCP configurations, so here’s the deal for all of you who are wanting to help.


FAS8020 Clustered Data Ontap 8.2.1

Brocade DS4900B


Brocade Switchport:

> portcfgshow 0

Area Number:              0

Speed Level:              AUTO(HW)

Fill Word:                0(Idle-Idle)

AL_PA Offset 13:          OFF

Trunk Port                ON

Long Distance             OFF

VC Link Init              OFF

Locked L_Port             OFF

Locked G_Port             OFF

Disabled E_Port           OFF

Locked E_Port             OFF

ISL R_RDY Mode            OFF

RSCN Suppressed           OFF

Persistent Disable        OFF

LOS TOV enable            OFF

NPIV capability           ON

QOS E_Port                OFF

Port Auto Disable:        OFF

Mirror Port               OFF

F_Port Buffers            OFF

Fault Delay:              0(R_A_TOV)

NPIV PP Limit:            126


> portshow 0

portIndex:   0


portHealth: OFFLINE


Authentication: None

portDisableReason: None

portCFlags: 0x1

portFlags: 0x1   PRESENT U_PORT

LocalSwcFlags: 0x0

portType:  10.0

POD Port: Port is licensed

portState: 2    Offline

Protocol: FC

portPhys:  4    No_Light        portScn:   0

port generation number:    0

state transition count:    0


portId:    010000

portIfId:    4302100d

portWwn:   20:00:00:05:1e:5b:f9:a3

portWwn of device(s) connected:


Distance:  normal

portSpeed: N4Gbps


LE domain: 0

FC Fastwrite: OFF

Interrupts:        2          Link_failure: 0          Frjt:         0

Unknown:           0          Loss_of_sync: 0          Fbsy:         0

Lli:               2          Loss_of_sig:  2

Proc_rqrd:         5          Protocol_err: 0

Timed_out:         0          Invalid_word: 0

Rx_flushed:        0          Invalid_crc:  0

Tx_unavail:        0          Delim_err:    0

Free_buffer:       0          Address_err:  0

Overrun:           0          Lr_in:        0

Suspended:         0          Lr_out:       0

Parity_err:        0          Ols_in:       0

2_parity_err:      0          Ols_out:      0

CMI_bus_err:       0


Port part of other ADs: No


FCP Adater on NetApp:


                  Node: jetfire

               Adapter: 1b

           Description: Fibre Channel Target Adapter 1b (QLogic 8324 (8362), rev. 2, 16G)

     Physical Protocol: fibre-channel

         Maximum Speed: 16

                Status: link not connected

             Substatus: ADAPTER UP

     Host Port Address: 0

     Firmware Revision: 6.10.0

Data Link Rate (Gbit): 0

    Fabric Established: false

Connection Established: loop

             Mediatype: ptp

      Configured Speed: 4

      Configured State: up

           Switch Port: :



AFAIK, the 16Gbit/s adapter should be backwards compatible to 4Gbit/s, our switch only has 4Gbit/s but it supports NPIV which seems to be a requirement for running Clustered Data Ontap via FC.


So, I have no idea what information I should provide upfront for someone who’s wanting to help me through get through that, but I’m more than happy to send more info when requested.




Alexander Griesser



ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH


Telefon: +43-5-0556-320

Telefax: +43-5-0556-500


E-Mail: ag@anexia.at

Web: http://www.anexia.at


Anschrift Hauptsitz Klagenfurt: Feldkirchnerstraße 140, 9020 Klagenfurt

Geschäftsführer: Alexander Windbichler

Firmenbuch: FN 289918a | Gerichtsstand: Klagenfurt | UID-Nummer: AT U63216601


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