Andrew Werchowiecki Technical Team Lead Andrew.Werchowiecki@xpanse.com.au www.xpanse.com.au |
85 Havelock St West Perth WA 6005 Australia |
>>>>> "Brian" == Brian Jones <bjones@aggiejones.com> writes:
Thanks for the quick reply, but maybe I wasn't clear here. I'm trying
to use 7mtt to make sure I get all the CIFS shares moved over
properly. But I had already created the destination volumes and
snapmirrored them to the new cDOT system.
But 7mtt was adamant that *it* had to create these new volumes, I
couldn't figure out how to tell it to just use the existing snapmirror
relationships that were already there.
Oh well, I blew it all away and just restarted it. Worse comes to
worse, I'll push out the migration a few weekends, which isn't bad in
the end because it's been in process for years... the customer just
never got interested in doing their side of the project. Oh well...
Brian> Back in the days when 7MTT was very limited, I moved hundreds
Brian> of volumes between 7-mode systems and C-mode using
Brian> SnapMirrors. I believe the process is still valid:
Brian> https://docs.netapp.com/us-en/ontap-7mode-transition/snapmirror/task_transitioning_a_stand_alone_volume.html
Brian> The key was setting up the snapmirrors on the C-mode target
Brian> with the "-type TDP" flag.
Brian> On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 2:02 PM John Stoffel <john@stoffel.org> wrote:
Brian> Guys,
Brian> Trying to migrate from an ancient 7-mode 8.1.3 system to a slightly
Brian> newer cDOT 9.5 system. I was smart and pre-snapmirrored the
Brian> volumes. But I'd like for 7mtt to copy the CIFS shares and such.
Brian> But... 7mtt v3.4 isn't happy with volumes which already have
Brian> snapmirror relationships.
Brian> The source 7-mode system has snapmirrors to both another 7-mode
Brian> system, as well as to the new cDOT system VServer called 'data'.
Brian> I'm stuck at "Plan and Design" "Map Volumes" where I've picked the
Brian> source and destination volumes (which already exist on the
Brian> destination) but which it won't let me use because there isn't enough
Brian> space on the aggregeates due to the currently existing volumes.
Brian> Fun.
Brian> Yes, I'm probably an idiot for having done this backwards... any maybe
Brian> the real answer is to just do the cutover and re-build the cifs shares
Brian> by hand. Ugh....
Brian> John
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