The most important thing is that the item is specifically coded as Cisco

I’ve found most third party twinax that are Cisco coded seem to work in a Netapp

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From: Toasters <> on behalf of Richard Paddock <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2020 6:17:51 PM
To: jordan slingerland <>; Toasters <>
Subject: Re: SFP Compatibility - QLogic CNA 8324 / 9.3.x / FAS2552 is great. I have used them for years now. Just make sure you order the correct compatibility sku. Also, you can reach out to their sales department if you have any questions or need customized orders. 

Thank you,

From: Toasters <> on behalf of jordan slingerland <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2020 3:11 PM
To: Toasters <>
Subject: SFP Compatibility - QLogic CNA 8324 / 9.3.x / FAS2552

I am wondering if anyone has had any luck using or other generic SFP.

If unsure, same question for a genuine Cisco GLC-T SFP.

Unfortunately, I am limited to a 1g copper switch here. says the Cisco Compatible GLC-T  generic adapters they have will work in a  QLogic CNA 8324 but could not confirm specifically in a Netapp.  Does qual_devices greenlist specific SFP as it does disks?  

slot 0: Fibre Channel Target Host Adapter 0d

                (QLogic CNA 8324 (8362) rev. 2, <LINK NOT CONNECTED>)

                Firmware rev:      8.7.0

                Flash rev:         2.1.0

Thanks Toasters, 
