Greetings from Brand Institute, Inc.!

Would you like to help create the most popular brands in the market while getting paid for your opinion? Brand Institute, a leading consulting firm needs your help.

We conduct live and online market research surveys/brainstorming sessions to help our customers develop new and exciting names for their products. We need your ideas and opinions to come up with the best possible names. We will pay you for your contribution according to the difficulty of the assignment; we only ask for a few minutes of your time and a lot of your creativity!

If you think you have what it takes to name the next hit television network or the newest household product, please sign up at our website: We will not use your information for anything except the surveys, and of mail you your check! We will not sell your information to any lists or use it for illicit advertising.

Please feel free to pass this message along to anyone you think would enjoy making extra money while getting involved in the creation of tomorrow's products.

Thank you very much; we appreciate your help! Soon, your ideas may be part of a national marketing campaign!

Kind regards,

The Brand Institute Team