

Data ONTAP Release 8.1.2P1 7-Mode

Luns fibrechannel attached to IBM pSeries with AIX

Vols containing luns are snapmirrored to a DR site, and also snapvaulted to another filer.



I'd like to try out resizing a lun (FibreChannel attached to AIX) to increase it's size.  Have never done this!


I know OnTap can resize a lun.  What I'm not sure about is how that works with snapmirror and snapvault relationships.  Snapmirror  is at the volume level and shouldn't care.  But snapvault in 7-mode is still at the object level - it works on the lun file.  But then, SV should just copy the new blocks.


So, I'm thinking lun expansion is no problem with SM and SV.   


Is this correct?
















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