Hi -
At present, we back up our F800 series filers with Legato Networker using NDMP and direct attached tape devices.
We are looking to purchase an R200 and mirror our live data on a daily basis to this device in an offsite location and perform periodic backups to tape.
We would like to backup the full volumes - the current file system plus all of the snapshots.
I understand that a Dump commnd can be used to push the whole volume out to tape and a snapmirror to tape type scenario could also be used.
Does anyone currently do this using their Legato backup software ?  If so, could they give details of how this could be done ?  I have heard that Netvault from Bakbone may have this type of functionality - anyone out there using this ?
Many thanks,
Jason Palmer <Storage>
Messaging & Storage Implementation
[i]:   http://www.mci.com/uk