aggregate originated under Ontap GX:
Aggregate Allocated
Used Avail
Total space 32035928920KB
32035928920KB 1404570796KB <- identical, which is
what i would expect
maybe this allocation scheme changed at an aggregate
level under Ontap 8? perhaps it's expected behavior?
things do seem to normalize as the volumes begin to
fill up though, so I believe that this space is not truly
gone permanently, but it certainly appears to be not
available for use, since tons of space is allocated to
volumes that have very little data in them, and we have a
LOT of volumes in these clusters.
it's definitely making it look like we are missing a
substantial percentage of our disk space, when trying to
reconcile the sum of data used when tallying up volume
size, and comparing it to the aggregate used/remaining
example volume and affected aggregate details:
bc-gx-4b::*> vol show v164346 -instance
(volume show)
Virtual Server Name: bc
Volume Name:
Aggregate Name:
Volume Size: 2TB
Name Ordinal: base
Volume Data Set ID:
Volume Master Data Set ID:
Volume State:
Volume Type: RW
Volume Style: flex
Volume Ownership:
Export Policy:
User ID:
Group ID: cgi
Security Style: unix
Unix Permissions:
Junction Path:
Junction Path Source:
Junction Active: true
Parent Volume:
Virtual Server Root Volume: false
Available Size:
Total Size: 2TB
Used Size:
Used Percentage: 42%
Autosize Enabled (for flexvols only): false
Maximum Autosize (for flexvols only):
Autosize Increment (for flexvols only):
Total Files (for user-visible data):
Files Used (for user-visible data): 132
Maximum Directory Size: 100MB
Space Guarantee Style: none
Space Guarantee In Effect: true
Minimum Read Ahead: false
Access Time Update Enabled: true
Snapshot Directory Access Enabled: true
Percent of Space Reserved for Snapshots: 0%
Used Percent of Snapshot Reserve: 0%
Snapshot Policy: daily
Creation Time: Tue
Dec 08 11:22:58 2015
Language: C
Striped Data Volume Count: -
Striped Data Volume Stripe Width: 0.00B
Current Striping Epoch: -
One data-volume per member aggregate: -
Concurrency Level: -
Optimization Policy: -
Clone Volume: false
Anti-Virus On-Access Policy:
UUID of the volume:
Striped Volume Format: -
Load Sharing Source Volume: -
Move Target Volume: false
Maximum Write Alloc Blocks: 0
Inconsistency in the file system: false
bc-gx-4b::*> aggr show -aggregate
far4a_1 gx1a_1 gx1a_2 gx1b_1 gx2a_1
gx2b_1 gx3a_1 gx4b_1
near1b_1 near3b_1 root_1a root_1b root_2a
root_2b root_3a root_3b
root_4a root_4b slow2a_1 systems
bc-gx-4b::*> aggr show -aggregate gx4b_1
Aggregate: gx4b_1
Size: 18.40TB
Used Size: 17.25TB
Used Percentage: 94%
Available Size: 1.15TB
State: online
Nodes: bc-gx-4b
Number Of Disks: 63
bc-gx-4b:0a.64, bc-gx-4b:0e.80,
Number Of Volumes: 411
RAID Groups:
Raid Type: raid_dp
Max RAID Size: 21
RAID Status: raid_dp
Checksum Enabled: true
Checksum Status: active
Checksum Style: block
Inconsistent: false
Ignore Inconsistent: off
Block Checksum Protection: on
Zoned Checksum Protection: -
Automatic Snapshot Deletion: on
Enable Thorough Scrub: off
Volume Style: flex
Volume Types: flex
Has Mroot Volume: false
Has Partner Node Mroot Volume: false
Is root: false
Wafliron Status: -
Percent Blocks Scanned: -
Last Start Error Number: -
Last Start Error Info: -
Aggregate Type: aggr
Number of Quiesced Volumes: -
Number of Volumes not Online: -
Number of LS Mirror Destination Volumes: -
Number of DP Mirror Destination Volumes: -
Number of Move Mirror Destination Volumes: -
Number of DP qtree Mirror Destination Volumes: -
HA Policy: sfo
Block Type: 64-bit