An option would be to turn on ftp or tftp_______________________________________________--tmacTim McCarthyPrincipal ConsultantClustered ONTAP Clustered ONTAPNCDA ID: XK7R3GEKC1QQ2LVD RHCE5 805007643429572 NCSIE ID: C14QPHE21FR4YWD4Expires: 08 November 2014 Expires w/release of RHEL7 Expires: 08 November 2014On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 10:14 AM, Scott Eno <> wrote:Hi,I've got an environment of 30+ controllers, some with NFS licensed and some without, but all with CIFS. I'm trying to figure out a way to push drive qual files (and eventually the firmware files) to all the controllers without going one-at-a-time (batch vs. by hand). 30+ means I can't mount them all via CIFS at the same time, and with half of them without NFS licensed I can't mount them via NFS to, say, a linux host. I was looking into using DFM to push the files to all the controllers, but it doesn't seem to work with anything but the config files it can pull off the controllers first.Anyone have a favorite method?
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