Correct.   Each node gets its own root aggr (3 disk min). These are not usable for data unlike 7mode.  Then once booted, you create an aggregate for data, and then vservers to use it.

Each Node:
2 disks - spare
3 disks - root aggr
7 disks - data aggregate, vservers can share.  You lose 2 parity here so 5 drives worth of data per node.   

The $/TB should be high enough to laugh the deal off the table, which is why the 2 shelf scenario comes out I suspect.   With 48 drives to play with (assuming even split) you get 17 data 2 parity usable by the vserver(s) on each node and the overhead for the cluster mode is a much smaller percentage of the whole.

Note: If you do a single node CDoT (supported in 8.2) then you'd have a supported 1 shelf config.  But at the cost of HA.   

Colin Bieberstein 

- Sent from my iPad

On Sep 26, 2013, at 12:10 AM, "Borzenkov, Andrey" <> wrote:

Does not cDOT need separate root aggregate (not volume)?

Отправлено с iPhone

26.09.2013, в 1:04, "tmac" <> написал(а):

I would simply create a 10-disk aggregate on each head. Carve out an appropriate sized root volume.
leave two spares on each head. If you are feeling adventurous, leave one spare on each head.


Tim McCarthy
Principal Consultant


        Clustered ONTAP                                                        Clustered ONTAP
 NCDA ID: XK7R3GEKC1QQ2LVD           RHCE6 110-107-141           NCSIE ID: C14QPHE21FR4YWD4
     Expires: 08 November 2014              Current until Aug 02, 2016         Expires: 08 November 2014

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 4:28 PM, Jordan Slingerland <> wrote:
With so few disks and presumably needing HA, I would almost wonder if you would see better performance creating a 3 disk agg0/vol0 on toaster B side, and adding all the remaining disks to single aggr0 on the A side (housing vol0 and data volumes)

...I know that might seem a little counter intuitive from some perspectives, but there are not many good configuration options, in terms of raid group/aggregate layout , with so few disks.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Matt Hallmark
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 4:21 PM
To: John Stoffel
Subject: Re: What is the minimum number of shelves for a FAS3220 HA pair?

It's all done with software disk ownership, it could boot off of disk 23 or 24 if you wanted to create the aggregates that way. (whatever the slot/bay naming scheme is these days).  I know that I could /make it work/ just fine with 2 controllers and one shelf, but it may not be a "supported configuration" from a netapp perspective.


On Sep 25, 2013, at 1:15 PM, "John Stoffel" <> wrote:

> Scott> We are considering a FAS3220HA running clustered ONTAP (8.2)
> Scott> with a single DS4246 shelf. However, we were recently informed
> Scott> by our sales people that this is not possible, and that the
> Scott> minimum number of shelves for an HA pair running cDOT was two.
> Scott> Apparently each node needs it's own DS4246 for the cDOT
> Scott> operating system? Is it not possible to split the disks on a
> Scott> single shelf into two aggregates and assign one aggregate to
> Scott> each controller?
> Each head needs it's own boot disks, and since it's hard-coded to boot
> off slots 1 and 2 (or some other pair, I forget) in the shelf, having
> just one shelf would not allow the other head to boot.
> Personally, I'd probably gamble that a single 3220 with a single shelf
> doesn't really need clustering since you're obviously (to me at least,
> please correct me if I'm wrong) not looking for capacity or even
> massive performance, since you have a small number of spindles.  But I
> could be totally off base here.
> John
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