Which OnTap version are you using?


Alexander Griesser



ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH


Telefon: +43-463-208501-320

Telefax: +43-463-208501-500


E-Mail: ag@anexia.at

Web: http://www.anexia.at


Anschrift Hauptsitz Klagenfurt: Feldkirchnerstraße 140, 9020 Klagenfurt

Geschäftsführer: Alexander Windbichler

Firmenbuch: FN 289918a | Gerichtsstand: Klagenfurt | UID-Nummer: AT U63216601


Von: Carl Howell [mailto:chowell@uwf.edu]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2012 19:50
An: Alexander Griesser
Cc: toasters@teaparty.net
Betreff: Re: VSC Privilege


useradmin-user-list? That's what I said. The other privileges are already covered...



On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 12:22 PM, Alexander Griesser <ag@anexia.at> wrote:

Useradmin-user-list? J

You will also need other privileges, I suggest you create a new role as outlined here:






Alexander Griesser



ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH


Telefon: +43-463-208501-320

Telefax: +43-463-208501-500


E-Mail: ag@anexia.at

Web: http://www.anexia.at


Anschrift Hauptsitz Klagenfurt: Feldkirchnerstraße 140, 9020 Klagenfurt

Geschäftsführer: Alexander Windbichler

Firmenbuch: FN 289918a | Gerichtsstand: Klagenfurt | UID-Nummer: AT U63216601


Von: toasters-bounces@teaparty.net [mailto:toasters-bounces@teaparty.net] Im Auftrag von Carl Howell
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2012 18:03
An: toasters@teaparty.net
Betreff: VSC Privilege


I'm  trying to get the Virtual Storage Console working using a domain account. Every time I try to log in, it gives me "In order to determine which controller privileges are allowed for this username, the following controller privilege is required: useradmin-user-list"


The domain user account I'm using is a member of a group on the filers that has a role with login-*, api-*, and cli-* capabilities. What am I missing?



