You should notice less performance impact on the source and as little bit more on the destination. After the update transfer there are some housekeeping steps that post process on the destination which uses resources.
Typing errors courtesy of GBoard
Tim McCarthy, Principal Consultant
Proud Member of the NetApp ATeam
From: on behalf of John Clear <>
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 1:19 PM
To: S. Eno
Subject: Re: XDP v DP mirrors
On Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 01:56:05PM +0100, S. Eno via Toasters wrote:
> Has anyone seen benefits to using XDP mirrors? Faster? Slower?
> Better or worse network compression?
We've converted all our snapmirrors to XDP. It is slighltly slower
but the benefit of not having to worry about source/destination
versions is worth it for us since we have a bunch of clusters cross
mirroring different volumes and with DP we had to upgrade a dozen
clusters at the same in order to not break snapmirror.
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