Can anyone suggest the best way for backing up NetApps via Veritas Netbackup (via NDMP) on a private network.
Four Filers: Each with QFE card with the IP address available. On Board Card on each of the filers is unused as for now.
M1800 Stacker connected to one of the filers with SDLT320 drives.
Master Media Server is Sun Server.
I was curiuos to know if the backups can happen over a private network using onboard card.
Should I connect another QFE on the Filer which has the tape library connected to it and assign three private IP addresses (viz. 10.x.x.x, 172.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x)
And respectively assign, onboard cards on the other three filers an similar private ip address . As far as cabling is concerned, will a cross-cable  connected from each onboard card to the qfe on the filer which has the M1800 library connected a good way to ensure eliminating network traffic generated via NDMP backup ?
Is there any other way, in which I can achieve the same ?