We have a requirement to audit our cifs share security on a monthly basis.  For my windows servers I use a vbscript leveraging WMI and the Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting.

The filers don't respond to the WMI calls, so I thought I'd use plink to execute a cifs shares command.  The problem is the formatting of the output of that command is atrocious - basically machine-unreadable.  If I grep for "Domain Users," for example, I miss the shares that the group has access to.  Plus the description field is usually separated from the path by a single space, which means there's no way for a script to tell where the path ends and the description begins (our paths include spaces).  FilerView produces exactly the same output.

I thought DFM might help but after reviewing the documentation it doesn't look like it applies.

Has anyone come up with a good way to generate a useful (preferably tab-delimited) report on a filer's share permissions?  If not I can ignore the description and path fields and kludge together the output I need.  I was just hoping for a better way.