I have a client that has an old HP-UX (11.23) server that currently has FC mounts to an even older CX3. It has already been ruled out on moving this workload to FCP on their ONTAP cluster (9.6P3) as the system is outside of the IMT. What I am proposing to them is moving this workload over to NFS and see if it would meet the very low application requirements. The main workload is an Oracle 8i (8.17) database that has extremely low transactions.

My question is are there any gotchas or specific settings that should be employed regarding NFS mounts and HPUX? I have reviewed TR-4067 (quickly) and KB and the two items that stuck out (qtree exports and NFSv4) are items that I was not proposing on using. Anything else to be aware of? 

Many thanks in advance

André M. Clark