> Well we are actually getting better writes from tcp, which is weird
> due to the small overhead that tcp would have. Here is what I have
> currently set on a 2.8 client:
if you obtain better perf on tcp, i guess u perhaps lost packets on udp and u should then check ur network : check route from one machine to another with traceroute for example and try to examine where it could possibly cogestion or missroute beetween filer and solaris station (if u have a really wide network, it is normal to loose packets on udp so u were right to be on tcp)

> The nfs ops have increased, the only thing I do see if I do a large
> cvs checkout the writes are intermitent. I see zeros and then I see a
> large write, below is an example. Now is this due to the filer
> flushing what it has on memory to disk?
yes this is normal, the filer cache writes in the nvram then writes in a singlke shoot on disks