We have a 740 filer
running 6.0.1R3. Last night I got a page that "nothing was working".
I headed into work and found that:
1) I could not
telnet into the filer.
2) I could not get
in through console either.
3) The display on
the front of the filer said 850 ops but the activity led wasn't flashing at
I figured I had no
choice, so I shut it down hard and brought it back up. Everything came up
fine. The message file posted a time stamp at 11:00pm but nothing at
midnight (this was 1:30am). The message file also said that the
fiiler was down for 6057 secs. The crash folder had one file in it called
"bounds" and just contained "-1 -1". Backups were being performed at the
time using Veritas Backup Exec. The backup log said everything was going
fine until it found a "corrupted file", then it started skipping files until the
filer was rebooted and it started in backing up again. We're trying to
figure out what went wrong but didn't have much to go on. Anyone have any
thoughts where to look now (or if this happens again)?
"No matter where you
go, there you are."
Shoe Carnival,