One of the reasons I got my first NetApp (F330, max capacity 120GB, ONTAP 3.0.1 I believe) was a huge batch of Quantum Bigfoot drives distributed in various
servers all decided to croak en mass.
I was also one of the first NearStore R100 users. We annoyed our NetApp sales rep by running production workloads on it even though the R100 line was supposed
to be for "nearline" storage, whatever that would have entailed. We killed the drives pretty quick, but that was NetApp's problem, not ours. We never lost data, we just had to swap drives more often than usual.
We eventually decommissioned it and a certain individual intercepted it before the recycling pickup, took all the drives out, and ebayed them for a nice return.
If that individual is on Toasters, please speak up.
From: []
On Behalf Of Jeffrey Mohler
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2015 8:01 AM
To:; Toasters
Subject: Re: Netapp disk manufacture
Disks are made to do one thing.
The solution on top of them is what you pay suggest that the _disks_ are the core of the solution, well, not everyone can be an astronaut.
Certainly, a vendor would use a better disk as opposed to a more troublesome one for the reasons of supportability costs, etc, and even THEN..Seagate can have a bad day, or Hitachi..or anyone else.
Moose drives anyone?
Tech Yahoo, Storage Architect, Principal
YPAC Gold Member
Twitter: @PrincipalYahoo
CorpIM: Hipchat & Iris
On Monday, December 7, 2015 4:26 PM, "Klise, Steve" <> wrote:
Does anyone know where I can find part numbers for disk size, manufacture? I looked on the NOW site but couldn’t find anything. I need to know if they are
seagate, WD, etc.. I need them for all SAS, SATA, FC, SSD, etc.
I have a customer that insists on a certain manufacturer.
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