eTraitel - I'm the new eBuzzword around !!!
Eyal Traitel - Filer Escalation Engineer
Network Appliance BV
Holland Office Center
Kruisweg 799b
2132 NG, Hoofddorp
The Netherlands
Office: +31 23 567 9685
Cellular: +31 6 5497 2568
Email: eyal@netapp.com
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-----Original Message-----
From: Uros Lampret [mailto:uros.lampret@ourspace.si]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 7:51 AM
To: toasters@mathworks.com
Subject: quota limitsHi!My problem is that I have set up quotas for my users on F740 running Ontap 5.3.6r2.They each have 200Mb. But four users that work on a special project have extra space of 2Gb. I've set up a qtree with limit of 2Gb. But when the four users start to write, they hit their personal limits.Is there a work around?
_____________________________Uros Lampret